SUMMER SCHOOL ON FIELD ROBOTICS Centro “Bruno Crepaz”, Passo Pordoi, Italy June 20-24 2016
The SHERPA Summer School 2016 is a five-day course to provide participants with a full overview of major aspects and research activities concerning robotics in search and rescue scenarios. The school is primarily directed to PhD and Postdoc students whose research interests are in robotics.
The school will touch many topics that play a role in designing an effective robotic platform operating in search and rescue scenarios, such as:
The school is organized in the context of the FP7 European Project SHERPA ( whose goal is to develop a mixed ground and aerial robotic platform to support search and rescue activities in a real-world hostile environments like the alpine scenario. Demonstration of SHERPA technologies is also planned during the week.
The list of confirmed speakers is:
Applications should be submitted via email to Lorenzo Marconi () before April 30. All applicants must provide a free format letter (max. 1 page) describing their research and a motivation for attending the school.
The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 50. If more applications are received, participants will be selected according to the following criteria:
Notification of acceptance will be sent on May 2. The final registration deadline is May 15.
The registration fee is 400 € and covers participation to the Summer school, full board and lodging from Sunday June 19 afternoon to Saturday June 25 morning in local structures. The costs refer to accommodation in double or triple rooms. Registration payment details will be sent on acceptance of participation.
A transportation service will be organized for the students from the train station of Bolzano to the location of the school (Passo Pordoi) on Sunday June 19 afternoon. A return transportation service will be also organized on Saturday April 25 morning. The cost is included in the registration fee. Details will be sent on acceptance of participation.
The school will be held in the CAI (Club Alpino Italiano) Training Centre "Bruno Crepaz" ( The center is located on the Passo Pordoi, 2.239 AMSL in the heart of the Dolomites. Students are accommodated in the nearby hotels Savoia ( and Col di Lana ( Information and Agenda Refined information and final agenda of the school can be retrieved at the link:
On Wednesday June 22 afternoon an excursion organized by CAI is planned. Further social activities will be organized in the evenings of the week.
Summary of Important Dates
- Applications for summer school: April 30
- Notification of acceptance: May 2
- Registration deadline: May 15
- Summer school: June 20-24
The agenda for the Summer School is available. Download the PDF here.
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