Sherpa Drones equipped with the A.R.T.V.A. (Apparecchio di Ricerca dei Travolti in Valanga) were the protagonists of a training-day at the Carabinieri Corps Alpine Training Center in Selva di Val Gardena (IT).
Estabilished in Selva di Val Garden in 1968, this Carabinieri's traning center represents one of the most suitable locations for holding specialization course for Carabinieri corps soldiers involved in alpine search and rescue operations.
In a context of continuous technological update, the Carabinieri corps is experimenting the new potentialities offered by Sherpa ARTVA drones to make the search and rescue operations even more efficient.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
Pre-flight briefing | Sherpa ARTVA drone in action | Reaching the estimated victim position |
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